IR policy

The aim of Synsam’s investor relations (IR) agenda is to create and maintain knowledge of Synsam among investors, analysts and journalists, and thereby contribute to an accurate valuation of the Synsam share.

Below are key excerpts from Synsam’s IR Policy.

Synsam will provide information to the capital market according to applicable Swedish legislation, Nasdaq Stockholm’s disclosure rules, ordinances from the European Parliament and European Council, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s instructions and generally accepted practices. All communication from Synsam to the capital market is to be timely, reliable, accurate and up-to-date.

The CEO, CFO and Head of IR are the spokespeople for communication with the capital market.

Synsam strives to provide shareholders, the capital market and business media with good knowledge of Synsam, a healthy confidence in the company’s management and a realistic view of Synsam’s future prospects. Relationships with the capital market are to be built by conveying relevant information accurately and transparently, in a way that is easy to follow over time. Synsam strives to engage in a constructive and recurring dialogue with analysts and business journalists. Our financial information is to give the capital and share markets a comprehensive, clear understanding of the company, its financial position, development and strategy.

Insider Policy
Synsam has prepared an Insider Policy which aims to ensure that Synsam and all relevant individuals are familiar with and follow all laws and ordinances that apply to the disclosure of information in listed companies and trading in the company’s securities.

Synsam has chosen to not present external forecasts. Published information should not be treated as a forecast or budget.

Quiet period
Synsam should not initiate meetings with investors, analysts or the financial media during the 30 days leading up to an interim report (quiet period). However, press releases are always published and non-financial questions answered.